• Emoji Prediction Beyond the Text via BiLSTM with Label-wise Attention and BERT

    Data Size : 402k English tweets for training, 50k for validation, and 50k for testing.
    Topic : Natural Language Processing
    Extract the users’ emotions from their tweets based on the tweet’s features such as the text, hashtag, and source to predict the relevant emoji instead of using rule-based NLP techniques as most devices and applications are using these days.
  • Emotions Recognition From Images Using Deep Learning

    Data Size : 511.64 MB Images Files
    Topic : Computer Vision
    Human emotion recognition from images using KDEF and CK+48 datasets, convolutional neural network models and latest computer vision techniques. Jupyter Notebook.

  • Emotions Recognition From Audio Using Deep Learning

    Data Size : 208.5 MB Audio Files
    Topic : Pattern Recognition
    Human emotion recognition from raw data using RAVDESS and Emodb datasets and convolutional neural network model to help the digital communications tools detect the speakers emotional status. Jupyter Notebook.

  • Reducing Plastic Pollution in Oceans

    The Opportunity Project - Census Bureau
    Data Size : 63 MB, 2015 - 2019 beach cleanup events data
    Topic : Data Science - ARIMA Forecasting Model
    Analyzing and visualizing worldwide beach cleanup events to help volunteers find the nearest beach cleanup event to their location and organizers to forecast the increase of cleanup events in the united states, plan an event and share it Website Link.
  • Human-Computer Graph Exploration and Tele-Discovery

    2020 Summer Internship
    Data Size : 2^14-2^15 Edges
    Topic : Data Visualizations and Semantic Extraction
    Visualizing a danish folklore dataset collected by UCLA of a size in the range 2^14 - 2^15 edges offering various semantic extraction functionalities that will help the user get a summary of their dataset after exploring it. Demo.
  • Data Completion and Interpolation

    Data Size : 84 KB, 150 Features
    Topic : Machine learning
    This project is designed to predict uncompleted survey answers and interpolate missing features in a dataset represented by a collection of categorical and numerical columns from the features that are present using classification and regression models. Jupyter Notebook.

  • Massive Network Data Interactive Visualization

    Data Size : up to 2^16 Edges
    Topic : Data Visualizations
    Class Award Winning Project
    Visualizing various network datasets of a size up to 2^16 edges utilizing a web application, different algorithms, and mechanisms using javascript, D3, and WebGL, Demo.
  • Comparison of Recommendation System on Movie Lens Data

    Data Size : 100k ratings, 1 MB
    Topic : Data Mining
    Programming Language : Python
    Experimenting various famous models (e.g., kNN and SVD ), focusing on the importance of hybrid models and building a novel Interest Sequence-Based CF model.
  • Face and Digit Classification

    Data Size : 823 KB
    Topic : Artificial Intelligence
    Programming Language : Python
    Designed three classifiers: a naive Bayes classifier, a perceptron classifier and a multilayer perceptron classifier.
  • People You Might Know

    Data Size : 1.3 MB
    Topic : Massive Data Mining
    Programming Language : Java
    Social network friendship recommendation algorithm using MapReduce on Hadoop
  • k-Means on MapReduce

    Data Size : 717 KB
    Topic : Data Mining
    Programming Language : Java
    Implementing clustering algorithms on Hadoop
  • Fast Trajectory Replanning

    Data Size : 100x100 grid size
    Topic : Artificial Intelligence
    Programming Language : Python
    Implementing A-star and Adaptive A-star algorithms to move an agent in a gridworld from start to the goal avoiding obstacles

    Data Size : 23.31 KB
    Topic : Statistics
    Programming Language : R
    Building supervised learning model for predicting whether a patient has diabetes or not.

    Data Size : 32.84 KB
    Topic : Algorithms and Data Visualization
    Programming Language : Python
    Class Award Winning Project
    The fast Fourier transformer algorithm visualization and implementation, Demo.