{'Music': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Cheating in school',
'New environment',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes'],
'Slow songs or fast songs': ['Dance',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Happiness in life',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Dance': ['Country',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Keeping promises',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Folk': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Country': ['Pop',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Prioritising workload',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Public speaking',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Classical music': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Economy Management',
'Science and technology',
'Healthy eating',
'Prioritising workload',
'Keeping promises',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Musical': ['Music',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Decision making',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Pop': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Active sport',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Rock': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Musical instruments',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Cheating in school',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village'],
'Metal or Hardrock': ['Music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Science and technology',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Punk': ['Dance',
'Classical music',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Fun with friends',
'Healthy eating',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Cheating in school',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Hiphop, Rap': ['Folk',
'Rock n roll',
'Foreign languages',
'Active sport',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Decision making',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Reggae, Ska': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Keeping promises',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Swing, Jazz': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Criminal damage',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Public speaking',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Rock n roll': ['Dance',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Criminal damage',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_secondary school'],
'Alternative': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Techno, Trance',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Number of friends',
'Getting angry',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_village'],
'Latino': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Art exhibitions',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Mood swings',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on looks',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Techno, Trance': ['Country',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Opera': ['Dance',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Fun with friends',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Eating to survive',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Movies': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Horror': ['Music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Healthy eating',
'Prioritising workload',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'Mood swings',
'Getting angry',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Thriller': ['Folk',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Comedy': ['Dance',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Only child_no'],
'Romantic': ['Music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Rock n roll',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Sci-fi': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Cheating in school',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Branded clothing',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'War': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Daily events',
'Thinking ahead',
'Decision making',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school'],
'Fantasy/Fairy tales': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Animated': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Passive sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Writing notes',
'Decision making',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Documentary': ['Music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Rock n roll',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Decision making',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village'],
'Western': ['Music',
'Classical music',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Eating to survive',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Getting angry',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Action': ['Music',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Prioritising workload',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'History': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Psychology': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Thinking ahead',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Getting up',
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Politics': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Judgment calls',
'Changing the past',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Mathematics': ['Music',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Fun with friends',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Physics': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Decision making',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Internet': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'PC': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Friends versus money',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Branded clothing',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Economy Management': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Mood swings',
'Knowing the right people',
'Happiness in life',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
"Parents' advice",
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Biology': ['Dance',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village'],
'Chemistry': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Happiness in life',
'Getting up',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Reading': ['Music',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Passive sport',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village'],
'Geography': ['Music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Rock n roll',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Knowing the right people',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Foreign languages': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Keeping promises',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Medicine': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Law': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Musical instruments',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Cars': ['Dance',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Art exhibitions': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Passive sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Religion': ['Dance',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Decision making',
'Eating to survive',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village'],
'Countryside, outdoors': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Branded clothing',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Dancing': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Musical instruments': ['Dance',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Keeping promises',
'Eating to survive',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Writing': ['Classical music',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Passive sport',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Judgment calls',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Passive sport': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Passive sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Judgment calls',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Active sport': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Musical instruments',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Life struggles',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Gardening': ['Music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Musical instruments',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village'],
'Celebrities': ['Music',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Prioritising workload',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Energy levels',
'Getting up',
"Parents' advice",
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Shopping': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Science and technology': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Active sport',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Friends versus money',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Public speaking',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village'],
'Theatre': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Fun with friends': ['Folk',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Adrenaline sports': ['Music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Techno, Trance',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Pets': ['Dance',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Compassion to animals',
'New environment',
'Knowing the right people',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Flying': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Storm': ['Dance',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Economy Management',
'Musical instruments',
'Active sport',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village'],
'Darkness': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Passive sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Healthy eating',
'Thinking ahead',
'Compassion to animals',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes'],
'Heights': ['Music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Musical instruments',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school'],
'Spiders': ['Music',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'New environment',
'Energy levels',
'Getting up',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Snakes': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Rats': ['Folk',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Friends versus money',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Mood swings',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Ageing': ['Music',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Science and technology',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Prioritising workload',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Number of friends',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Dangerous dogs': ['Music',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Mood swings',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school'],
'Fear of public speaking': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Criminal damage',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Getting up',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Healthy eating': ['Country',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Science and technology',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Prioritising workload',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
"Parents' advice",
'Entertainment spending',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Daily events': ['Dance',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Judgment calls',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Knowing the right people',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Prioritising workload': ['Folk',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'New environment',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Small - big dogs',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Writing notes': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Workaholism': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Rock n roll',
'Foreign languages',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Decision making',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Knowing the right people',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Thinking ahead': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Judgment calls',
'Borrowed stuff',
'New environment',
'Life struggles',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Final judgement': ['Folk',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Keeping promises',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Happiness in life',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Reliability': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Loss of interest',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Keeping promises': ['Dance',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Cheating in school',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Loss of interest': ['Country',
'Classical music',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Number of friends',
'Mood swings',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Friends versus money': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Writing notes',
'Loss of interest',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Funniness': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Fake': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Science and technology',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Happiness in life',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Criminal damage': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Science and technology',
'Healthy eating',
'Prioritising workload',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Changing the past',
'Public speaking',
'Energy levels',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Decision making': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Healthy eating',
'Prioritising workload',
'Criminal damage',
'Compassion to animals',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Public speaking',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Elections': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Foreign languages',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Healthy eating',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city'],
'Self-criticism': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Criminal damage',
'Eating to survive',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
"Parents' advice",
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Judgment calls': ['Music',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Hypochondria': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Active sport',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Changing the past',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Empathy': ['Dance',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Final judgement',
'Decision making',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Eating to survive': ['Dance',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village'],
'Giving': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Science and technology',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'New environment',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Getting up',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Compassion to animals': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Village - town_village'],
'Borrowed stuff': ['Folk',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Loneliness': ['Dance',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Cheating in school': ['Music',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Economy Management',
'Active sport',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village'],
'Health': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'New environment',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Changing the past': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree'],
'God': ['Dance',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Active sport',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Dreams': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting up',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Charity': ['Music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Prioritising workload',
'Thinking ahead',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Getting up',
"Parents' advice",
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city'],
'Number of friends': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Energy levels',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes'],
'Waiting': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Techno, Trance',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Science and technology',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Loss of interest',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Happiness in life',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'New environment': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Musical instruments',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Healthy eating',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Knowing the right people',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village'],
'Mood swings': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'Eating to survive',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Appearence and gestures': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Prioritising workload',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Life struggles',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Socializing': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Fun with friends',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Public speaking',
'Energy levels',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Achievements': ['Music',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Public speaking',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Responding to a serious letter': ['Music',
'Classical music',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Children': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Eating to survive',
'Changing the past',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Life struggles',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Assertiveness': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Active sport',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Prioritising workload',
'Keeping promises',
'Changing the past',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Getting angry': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Fun with friends',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Prioritising workload',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Number of friends',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Knowing the right people': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Decision making',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Changing the past',
'Mood swings',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city'],
'Public speaking': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Active sport',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Unpopularity': ['Dance',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Art exhibitions',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Prioritising workload',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Number of friends',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Life struggles': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Writing notes',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Number of friends',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Branded clothing',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Village - town_city'],
'Happiness in life': ['Music',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Passive sport',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Energy levels',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Energy levels': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Final judgement',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Public speaking',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Small - big dogs': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'Mood swings',
'Knowing the right people',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school'],
'Personality': ['Dance',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Decision making',
'Eating to survive',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Finding lost valuables': ['Music',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Foreign languages',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Criminal damage',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city'],
'Getting up': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Interests or hobbies': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Economy Management',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Loss of interest',
'Judgment calls',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_primary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
"Parents' advice": ['Music',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Daily events',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Criminal damage',
'Eating to survive',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no'],
'Questionnaires or polls': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Writing notes',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Public speaking',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Only child_no',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Finances': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Spending on looks',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Shopping centres': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Healthy eating',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Criminal damage',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
"Parents' advice",
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city'],
'Branded clothing': ['Country',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Prioritising workload',
'Keeping promises',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_primary school',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Entertainment spending': ['Music',
'Classical music',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Foreign languages',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Final judgement',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Changing the past',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Small - big dogs',
'Shopping centres',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Only child_yes',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Spending on looks': ['Music',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Loss of interest',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Compassion to animals',
'Cheating in school',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Getting angry',
'Happiness in life',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no',
'Only child_yes',
'House - block of flats_block of flats'],
'Spending on gadgets': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Hiphop, Rap',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Fun with friends',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Loss of interest',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Cheating in school',
'New environment',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_left handed',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school',
'Village - town_city',
'Village - town_village'],
'Spending on healthy eating': ['Music',
'Slow songs or fast songs',
'Classical music',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Passive sport',
'Fun with friends',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Small - big dogs',
'Getting up',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Internet usage_no time at all',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree'],
'Age': ['Folk',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Keeping promises',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Borrowed stuff',
'Cheating in school',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Energy levels',
'Small - big dogs',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Getting up',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Entertainment spending',
'Spending on looks',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_primary school',
'Only child_no'],
'Height': ['Dance',
'Classical music',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Rock n roll',
'Techno, Trance',
'Economy Management',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Active sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Healthy eating',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Keeping promises',
'Friends versus money',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Cheating in school',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'Appearence and gestures',
'Getting angry',
'Public speaking',
'Energy levels',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
"Parents' advice",
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Spending on looks',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_current smoker',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Only child_no'],
'Weight': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Rock n roll',
'Fantasy/Fairy tales',
'Art exhibitions',
'Musical instruments',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Fear of public speaking',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Loss of interest',
'Criminal damage',
'Decision making',
'Judgment calls',
'Eating to survive',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Happiness in life',
'Energy levels',
'Getting up',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on looks',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Punctuality_i am often early',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_secondary school'],
'Number of siblings': ['Slow songs or fast songs',
'Metal or Hardrock',
'Reggae, Ska',
'Swing, Jazz',
'Techno, Trance',
'Foreign languages',
'Art exhibitions',
'Countryside, outdoors',
'Musical instruments',
'Passive sport',
'Science and technology',
'Adrenaline sports',
'Dangerous dogs',
'Daily events',
'Prioritising workload',
'Writing notes',
'Thinking ahead',
'Final judgement',
'Keeping promises',
'Decision making',
'Changing the past',
'Number of friends',
'New environment',
'Mood swings',
'Responding to a serious letter',
'Getting angry',
'Knowing the right people',
'Public speaking',
'Life struggles',
'Finding lost valuables',
'Interests or hobbies',
'Questionnaires or polls',
'Shopping centres',
'Branded clothing',
'Spending on gadgets',
'Spending on healthy eating',
'Number of siblings',
'Smoking_former smoker',
'Smoking_never smoked',
'Smoking_tried smoking',
'Alcohol_drink a lot',
'Alcohol_social drinker',
'Punctuality_i am always on time',
'Punctuality_i am often running late',
'Lying_everytime it suits me',
'Lying_only to avoid hurting someone',
'Internet usage_few hours a day',
'Internet usage_less than an hour a day',
'Internet usage_most of the day',
'Left - right handed_right handed',
'Education_college/bachelor degree',
'Education_currently a primary school pupil',
'Education_doctorate degree',
'Education_masters degree',
'Education_primary school']}